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Project 4: Design and Production of a Bicycle Pedal for BMX Bikes

ZIP file containing all of the files below: >>Download Now.

1-Module Instructions - BMX Bike Pedal (PDF)
2-What is a CADCAM Software Using Autocad - Activity 1 (PPT)
3-BMX Bike Pedal Specifications - Activity 1 (PDF)
4-Problem Solving Template - Conversion Millimeters to Inches - Activity 1 (PDF)
5-Assessment Tool for CADCAM Design and Unit Conversion - Activity1 (PDF)
6-Student Evaluation - Activity 1 (PDF)
7-Basics on CNC Programming - Activity 2 (PPT)
8-Milling Machine Set Up and CNC programming - Activity 2 (PDF)
9-Materials for Bike Pedal - Activity 2 (PDF)
10-Student Evaluation - Activity 2 (PDF)
11-SPC for Bike Pedal Quality Control - Activity 3 (PPT)
12-SPC Tool for Bike Pedal Quality Control- Activity 3 (PDF)
13-Calculations for Bike Movement - Activity 3 (PDF)
14-Quiz #1 to Evaluate Activity 1 and Activity 2 (PDF)
15-Instructor’s Observations - Activity 4 (PDF)